Legacy and achievements of the three-year-long Earth Observation user engagement of the Horizon 2020 FIRE project
European-funded FIRE project concludes with the presentation of the strategic research and development roadmaps and discussions on the future of Earth Observation innovation
Join the FIRE Forum 2023 – the week on FIRE between 1st and 3rd February 2023 – to discover the research and innovation roadmap and discuss the way forward
Key stakeholders came together to discuss the ‘now and tomorrow’ of Earth Observation at the two-day EXPANDEO and the FIRE Forum 2022 joint event
FIRE concludes the last round of targeted focus group discussions and opens pre-registration for the FIRE Forum 2022
CNES takes over the Marine Sector Lead for the second round of FIRE Focus Groups
Sustainability, resilience, and digitalisation at the core of the discussions of the first industry-led Forum for Innovation and Research in European Earth Observation
FIRE announces the first EO Evangelists at the FIRE Forum 2021
Are you interested in becoming the first ever Earth Observation Evangelist? FIRE is looking for charismatic professionals from various sectors
How can different sectors make use of Earth Observation? The EU-funded project FIRE has gathered user needs through focus group discussions across six key sectors
SMURBS and FIRE joining forces – Urban Sector Lead appointed
Wind and FIRE – WindEurope joins as Energy Sector Lead
FIRE Forum adapts to current COVID-19 challenges
VIA becomes FIRE Infrastructure Sector Lead
Agriculture Sector Lead appointed – COPA-COGECA joins FIRE
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique takes Marine Sector Lead
EIT RawMaterials joins FIRE community