FIRE Forum 2021

16 June 2021


FIRE, the industry-led Forum for Innovation and Research in European Earth Observation, has the ambition to become the bridge between Earth Observation (EO) services and data and users across applications for different industries. Cutting through a variety of six market sectors: agriculture, (wind) energy, infrastructure, marine, raw materials, and urban development, FIRE gathers different user communities to consult and establish a high-level roadmap. This will guide research & development, delivery and uptake of EO services in Europe.


The 1st FIRE Forum was held on 16 June 2021 alongside EXPANDEO, an annual conference organised by the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies. The FIRE Forum gathered a critical mass of non-space actors together with EO players in order to discuss the potential benefits EO could bring to their sectors and which future EO capabilities are needed to address sectorial challenges. Read more about the FIRE Forum 2021 here.

FIRE Forum 2021 video and graphical recordings

Introductory session

Welcome by Emmanuel Pajot, Secretary General of EARSC.

Keynote speech by Martina Sindelar, Policy Officer at Unit B.2 Space Research, Innovation and Start-ups, DG DEFIS, European Commission.

Meet the FIRE EO Evangelists

This session will introduce for the first time the 7 Evangelists selected under the EO Evangelist programme, which is one of the key aspects of the FIRE project. Acting as “influencers” of EO uptake in their sector, the Evangelists will help new communities discover the possibilities of space-based solutions in addressing their business needs as well as broader socio-economic and environmental challenges.

Parallel sessions I: Urban development, Raw materials, Infrastructure

Urban planning in the digital age

Securing sustainable supply chains of raw materials

Advancing digitalisation of infrastructure

Speakers & Panellists

  • Katrin Bruebach
    Resilient Cities Network
    Global Director Programs, Innovation & Impact
  • Evangelos Gerasopoulos
    National Observatory of Athens
    Research Director, Ph.D.
  • Remco Timmermans
    EO Evangelist for Urban development
  • Jennifer Bailey
    National Observatory of Athens
    Research Fellow

Speakers & Panellists

  • Irene Benito
    EO Evangelist for Raw Materials
  • Helena Maria Cavaco Viegas
    Energy Intensive Industries & Raw Materials Unit, DG GROW, European Commission
    Policy officer
  • Patrick Nadoll
    EIT RawMaterials
    Senior Advisor
  • Mark Proctor

Speakers & Panellists

  • Giulia Guzzini
    Sina S.p.a. – ASTM Group
    Geographic Information Systems Analyst
  • Helen Roth
    Vital Infrastructure Arena – VIA
  • Arild Petter Søvik
    Sovik Consulting / Norwegian Tunnelling Network
  • Carlita Vis
    Royal HaskoningDHV
    Director New Strategic Initiatives & Innovation
  • Lucy Kennedy
    EO Evangelist for Infrastructure

Plenary 1 - Summary of the parallel sessions (Urban, Raw Materials, Infrastructure)

Following each cluster of FIRE’s parallel sessions, a plenary will present the major outcomes of the discussions to a cross sectoral audience and open the floor for questions. This is your chance to discover challenges and solutions for each sector, have your voice heard and contribute to the formulation of innovation priorities for EO.

Parallel sessions II: Agriculture, Wind energy, Marine & Maritime

Transforming Europe's food system

Harnessing the power of wind energy

Reaching a sustainable Blue Economy

Speakers & Panellists

  • Daniel Azevedo
    Director Commodities, Trade and Technology
  • Anna Maria D’Onghia
    International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic
    Principal administrator

  • Max Schulman
    Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners – MTK
    Advisor, cereals oilseeds

  • Vik Vandecaveye
    CNH Industrial

  • Ilias Pechlivanidis
    EO Evangelist for Agriculture

Speakers & Panellists

  • Michael Brüdgam


    Head of Environmental Analytics

  • Ioanna Karagali
    Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) – previously at DTU Wind Energy
    Remote Sensing Scientist

    R&D Director

  • Alexander Vandenberghe
    Wind Europe
    Research & Innovation advisor

  • Miriam Gonzalez
    EO Evangelist for Wind energy

Speakers & Panellists

  • Virginie Lafon
    Associate Executive Director, Head of the Space Applications
  • Philippe Monbet
    Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique / France Énergies Marines
  • Jonathan Williams
    MSE International
  • Juan Peña
    EO Evangelist for Maritime
    Orbital EOS
  • Eva Haas
    EO Evangelist for Marine

Plenary 2 - Summary of the parallel sessions (Agriculture, Wind energy, Marine)

Following each cluster of FIRE’s parallel sessions, a plenary will present the major outcomes of the discussions to a cross sectoral audience and open the floor for questions. This is your chance to discover challenges and solutions for each sector, have your voice heard and contribute to the formulation of innovation priorities for EO.

Closing session

Fiammetta Diani, Head of Market Development Department at European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) delivered the closing speech of FIRE, leveraging her expertise, idea or vision to inspire the targeted user communities to adopt EO solutions in their sectors.