Legacy and achievements of the three-year-long Earth Observation user engagement of the Horizon 2020 FIRE project
Quick access: Chapter 1: User engagement – FIRE Focus Groups, FIRE Forum events and the ‘EO Evangelists’ programme Chapter 2: The long-term impact and legacy of FIRE and the FIRE Roadmap Testimonies: FIRE sector leads Testimonies: FIRE EO Evangelists Video: FIRE in numbers and video testimonies The FIRE project team thanks all involved stakeholders who […]

FIRE concludes the last round of targeted focus group discussions and opens pre-registration for the FIRE Forum 2022
FIRE has completed the last focus group discussion series centred around the use of Earth Observation (EO) in each of the target sectors of the project – raw materials, urban development, agriculture, marine, energy, and infrastructure. Organisers, participants, and lead speakers of these workshops expressed their satisfaction for the richness of content and the outcomes, […]

Are you interested in becoming the first ever Earth Observation Evangelist? FIRE is looking for charismatic professionals from various sectors
FIRE, the industry-led Forum for Innovation and Research in European Earth Observation, is inviting luminaries from six key sectors – agriculture, energy, raw materials, infrastructure, marine, and urban, with an affinity for technology to express their interest in becoming the first ever Earth Observation (EO) “evangelists”. As influencers in their respective sectors, the EO Evangelists […]

Wind and FIRE – WindEurope joins as Energy Sector Lead
Earth Observation needs in the energy sector are very different depending on the energy source. FIRE will focus on renewable energy, including wind power. WindEurope, an association promoting the use of wind power in Europe, with its over 600 members of actors across the value chain has just joined as a strong partner in FIRE’s […]