How can different sectors make use of Earth Observation? The EU-funded project FIRE has gathered user needs through focus group discussions across six key sectors
FIRE, the industry-led Forum for Innovation and Research in European Earth Observation, has completed a key milestone this week by concluding its first round of focus group discussions on user needs from six key sectors – agriculture, energy, raw materials, infrastructure, marine, and urban spaces. The identified challenges and needs will help in shaping Europe’s […]

SMURBS and FIRE joining forces – Urban Sector Lead appointed
Through SMURBS – an H2020-funded project with a focus on urban resilience, aiming to empower different stakeholders with EO-enabled solutions for decision-making – a large community from cities across Europe has already been involved in identifying user needs and designing EO solutions towards addressing these needs. FIRE will benefit from the project’s findings as well […]

Wind and FIRE – WindEurope joins as Energy Sector Lead
Earth Observation needs in the energy sector are very different depending on the energy source. FIRE will focus on renewable energy, including wind power. WindEurope, an association promoting the use of wind power in Europe, with its over 600 members of actors across the value chain has just joined as a strong partner in FIRE’s […]

FIRE Forum adapts to current COVID-19 challenges
At times when all sectors are being hit by the economic and logistic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the FIRE team has decided to re-design all further interactions scheduled for this year and move them to an online format. We are still working on establishing and developing partnerships with the sector leads of our users’ […]

VIA becomes FIRE Infrastructure Sector Lead
The Norwegian cluster Vital Infrastructure Arena (VIA) committed itself to FIRE as the Sector Lead for Infrastructure! As a leading cluster for secure, smart, and sustainable transport infrastructure – including roads, tunnels, bridges, tracks – with more than 100 members, VIA has an outreach to stakeholders across the whole value chain covering all challenges this […]

Agriculture Sector Lead appointed – COPA-COGECA joins FIRE
To identify user needs in its focus sectors, FIRE organises Focus Group discussions with stakeholders from across a sector’s value chain. To reach these stakeholders, FIRE partners with Sector Leads that represent a sector and its value chain well. We are happy and proud to have COPA-COGECA as our Sector Lead for Agriculture! They are […]